Montag, 29. Juli 2013

.:[sam's glibber bath]:.

I found this really cool page while I was checking pinterest this morning. It's called 'growing a jeweled rose' learning through messy play - and if that's not the theme of my life then I don't know what else. Now the post that was pinned is about 56 sensory games for babys n toddlers. And reading through it and looking at all the cute photos of sweet baby smile faces inspired me so much. I just had to do that, too.

So since we had to go to the mall anyways I packed the caddy full with Jell-O and edible gum strings and couldn't wait to get home and try sensory game nr 1: glibber bath.

Sam had a blast :) It was so much fun watching him explore the jell-o and trying to eat the strings - gosh - I should do this EVERY SINGLE TIME BEFORE BATHING HIM. Why have I never thought about this? I definitely will try more of those fun games this week and post about it to ket you know how it went ;)

Here you see the joy in person:
Thumbs up for jell-o bath.

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